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Last night while I laid out on my lawn reading Jane Eyre while my kids rode their bikes, the pot of chicken stock on my stove did not boil over and burn for goodness knows how long. I did not vaguely hear all six of the fire alarms in my house going off and wonder what kind of bird or insect made that noise. I did not finally decide to go back inside, open my garage door, see smoke billow out and throw my kids in the front yard and go investigate. I totally called the fire department first like a good girl. I did not pour an entire very very large box of baking soda on my stove. It is not still there. I did not rip all six alarms off the ceiling. They are not still laying on the floor where they fell last night. I was not the least bit completely freaked out.
I have not waited till the last minute to get my daughters ballet costume altered. My bff is not coming over one day before the recital (which is this Saturday) to fix it for me. It currently does not completely show my daughters che che's when she moves the least little bit.
I did not bribe my daughter with chocolate chips muffins if she did her reading homework all by herself today. I also did not hide grated carrots and zucchini in said muffins and tell my kids it was just orange sprinkles. Not me! Lying is a sin you know ;p
I did not spend all day Saturday looking for cute boots for my daughter, fail to find any and then buy myself these

well orange sprinkles can be a relative terms. unless of course you said orange sugar sprikles....they were truthfully a sprinkle of something.
Glad you are all safe after the ummm fire.
My mom used to hide carrots and potatoes in chili. Whatever works! Can't wait to see you Friday!!!!!
haha! That was great! (I hide carrots under the cheese in homemade pizza.)
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