Corwin turned 7 years old December 10th of this year but I started really letting go months ago. I think it began when he started cub scouts. Everyone we knew told us that it was the moms who ran cub scouts and the dads joined when they graduated to boy scouts (just in time to grab the glory I might add). I had been in contact with the pack leader and she knew that if I was going to do this, I wanted to lead (an unfortunate habit that I will kick in 2010). So I showed up to the first big meeting where we all separate into groups and some of us wanted to be in a homeschooling group, the obvious benefit would be that we could meet during the day. Turns out, the group apparently already had a leader but he was running late and everyone looked so confused so I of course took over (but that too will end in 2010 by golly). There were three families at that early meeting, me and two families from WPA ( a local university model school that I hope and pray I will be able to send my kids to one day). I began to talk about forms that needed to be filled out and how things were basically run because of course I had already hit the boy scout store and bought every manual available and was loaded down with all this valuable knowledge that I couldn't wait to share (2010). I would like to point out that the other family's had the dads along and when we started talking about meeting times one of the dads told me that if he were going to meet during the day then he was going to find another group because he was going to be involved and the other dad quickly chimed in that he very much wanted to be involved as well. I was kinda scared for like one second and then told him that no he should stay and if the rest of these homeschoolers (who still hadn't shown up) wanted to meet during the day then we would form our own den with just our three families and that is what ended up happening. I told the men that I was perfectly content to fill out forms and keep track of the administrative side of things but I would prefer that the men taught and led the boys. That made sense to me and was what I had originally envisioned before everyone else rained on my parade. So I got home and told Scott what had transpired and that he was now a den leader. After he hyperventilated he was really excited. I mean he didn't say so but secretly I know he was glad I volunteered him for all this work (won't be the last time, he is also pack treasurer ;p ). It has taken us a while to train the pack leaders to look to Scott to be our den leader and I have been slowly bowing out. We could both co-lead. I have paid my dues and have my patches but I really think that it is the husband's job to teach a boy to be a man and that is part of what Cub Scouts is about.
Sometimes it is hard letting go though. Even if it is only a little.
But that's ok because next year Faith will be in Kindergarden and you know what that means......

I can't wait to be troop leader ;p
1 comment:
On my honor, I promise......and abide by the Girl Scout Law. You will be a great troop leader. :)
I may be a tiny bit jealous when the time comes.
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