Tuesday, March 31, 2009

conversation and test

So I sent my dear sweet hubby to the grocery store last night because *gasp* we were out of coffee. Now this is a rare occurrence because a) I try never to run out of coffee and b) grocery store time is mommy time- no kids allowd so Scott rarely goes to the grocery store thereby limiting his opportunities to surprise me with pressies and flowers.

So he returns home and I am in the office working on my final.

me: Did you get me a present?
Scott: coffee?
me: no
Scott: Ramen?
me: no
Scott: hot dogs?
me: no
Scott: then no I didn't get you a present. Was I supposed to?
me: yes- you are ALWAYS supposed to get me a present
Scott: I didn't get that memo
me: right. we have only been married seven years
Scott: at least I am consistant (insert big cheesy grin here)

this is a test. this is a test of the facebook importing system. this is only a test Lets see if this is going to go to facebook. I hope not.


Mandy Hornbuckle said...

Why don't you want your RSS feed to publish to Facebook anymore?

Melanie said...

That sounds like my dh.

M J said...

Love the new look, but WHERE is the new post! :P